The Torment of Being Under Criminal Investigation

By: Sara Kropf Many of my white-collar clients are startled to learn how long a government investigation and criminal trial take. They think it will last a year, maybe 14 months. Instead, it can take years. Delay can work to my clients’ advantage, allowing us time to...

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What is a Reverse Proffer?

What is a Reverse Proffer?

By: Sara Kropf I teach a continuing legal education class on defending white-collar criminal cases. When I developed the curriculum, I quickly realized that one of the class’s main goals was to teach everyone the lingo of being a white-collar defense lawyer. This is...

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Negotiating Power and How We Are Weak

By: Sara Kropf I’ve been thinking recently about the inequalities of negotiations when you are a criminal defense attorney. We do a lot of negotiating for our clients, right? And we often lose. Badly. We make plea deals for our clients and they end up with felony...

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Where Are They Now? An Update on Past Posts

By: Sara Kropf Several of the cases I’ve featured in my posts over the last year have had significant developments or come to a close. It’s always interesting—and moderately depressing—to see how things turned out. When an FBI Agent Is the Bad Guy First up we have...

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