The Government Keeps Trying to Erase Its Wrongdoing

By: Sara Kropf A few months ago, I wrote about the successful effort by a U.S. Attorney’s Office to convince the First Circuit to remove the name of a prosecutor involved in a case about Brady violations. Now, in a case in Philadelphia, a USAO did not ask the district...

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Fight the Power, Part II: The Sheldon Silver Case

By: Sara Kropf In Part I of this series, I pointed out that DOJ uses the media as a tool to punish defendants. It publicizes indictments, without equally publicizing acquittals and dismissals. This post is the second in a series exploring how defense lawyers are...

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Hey, I’m a Guest Blogger!

By: Sara Kropf The kind folks at White Collar Crime Prof Blog let me post over there today (thanks Ellen!). The Second Circuit issued a great opinion for white collar defendants limiting the continuing conspiracy theory. Finally, a court has reined in the government's...

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