Fight the Power, Part II: The Sheldon Silver Case

By: Sara Kropf In Part I of this series, I pointed out that DOJ uses the media as a tool to punish defendants. It publicizes indictments, without equally publicizing acquittals and dismissals. This post is the second in a series exploring how defense lawyers are...

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Fight the Power, Part I

By: Sara Kropf The recent flap over FBI Director’s Jim Comey’s possible efforts to influence the election against Hillary Clinton was fascinating. I watched his press conference and read the print coverage with great interest. People were shocked—shocked—that the head...

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A Misleading DOJ Press Release

By: Sara Kropf I was surprised to read the headline of a recent DOJ press release: "Former Acclarent, Inc. Executives Convicted of Crimes Related to the Sale of Medical Devices." I was surprised because I thought I'd read that the case had been a big win for the...

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