By Dan Portnov (photo from In perhaps the biggest news story of a slow August, Jeffrey Epstein apparently hung himself in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Manhattan early Saturday morning.[1] Epstein’s suicide launched multiple...
Investigating the Investigators: Highlights from Recent DOJ OIG Investigations
By Dan Portnov Office of Inspector General investigations don’t always make the news. After all, no one ends up in jail or paying back billions of dollars in ill-gotten gains as a result (usually). However, one federal agency’s OIG seems to garner an outsized amount...
Should DOJ Indict President Trump But Seal the Indictment?
By: Sara Kropf Given the position of the Office of Legal Counsel that a sitting president cannot be prosecuted, there has been some talk (including by me) about the possibility of indicting President Trump now but keeping the indictment under seal until he is no...
Outsourcing DOJ Investigations?
By Dan Portnov Last week, the government moved one tiny step closer to being able to “outsource” its criminal investigations to non-DOJ actors. In a post-trial order, Southern District of New York Chief Judge Colleen McMahon excoriated the government for effectively...
Roger Stone’s Early-Morning Arrest: Stop the Perp Walk
By: Sara Kropf If you read my Twitter feed, you may know that I am a bit left of center when it comes to politics. Ok, I'm a lot left of center. But, like so many criminal defense lawyers, I don’t judge my clients' politics. I have clients who are far right, far left,...
Government Contractors Conducting Investigations: A New Normal?
By Dan Portnov Here in DC, government contractors are everywhere and vital to keeping nearly all federal agencies running. Absent an Edward Snowden-level scandal, the integration of contractors and their day-to-day work in government offices largely goes unnoticed...
Prosecutors Sure Do Love the Perp Walk
By: Sara Kropf I recently listened to Preet Bharara’s podcast on a long car ride. He’s the former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. After months of conducting interviews of government-side subjects—prosecutors, FBI agents and the like—he...
Surviving Parallel Proceedings
By Dan Portnov Late last week the other shoe finally dropped for Theranos founder and ex-CEO Elizabeth Holmes, as she and fellow executive Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani were indicted on charges of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Following allegations...
The Department of Justice Should Drop the Inauguration Day Protest Cases
By: Sara Kropf The Department of Justice has been humiliated in its misguided prosecution of over two hundred Inauguration Day protestors. It has lost every single case to go to trial. It has engaged in intentional violations of the rules. And it has cost taxpayers...
Doing the Government’s Laundry
By Dan Portnov In certain legal (nerd) circles, coining a phrase or term of art is one of the surest ways to achieve immortality – think Tim Wu’s first use of “network neutrality” in a 2003 journal article or Justice Felix Frankfurter’s opinion in Rochin v....