Do Prosecutors Hate the Attorney-Client Privilege?

By: Sara Kropf The search of attorney Michael Cohen’s office by federal agents led to a phalanx of “former federal prosecutors” quoted by the media. That’s not surprising. To be fair, I know a lot of great former federal prosecutors who provide informative quotes to...

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Doing the Government’s Laundry

By Dan Portnov In certain legal (nerd) circles, coining a phrase or term of art is one of the surest ways to achieve immortality – think Tim Wu’s first use of “network neutrality” in a 2003 journal article or Justice Felix Frankfurter’s opinion in Rochin v....

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Music City and the FCPA: What More Can You Want?

By: Sara Kropf If you are new to white-collar work, you will quickly hear about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or FCPA. For you seasoned attorneys out there, you may feel like you've heard too much about it. But here's the thing: you can always learn more. And I...

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